Feature-based matching of animated meshes

V. Mykhalchuk

Thèse - Université de Strasbourg - 2015-04-09

Ph.D. thesis Feature-based matching of animated meshes, Directeur de thèse : H. Seo, Rapporteurs: H. Delingette, F. Dupont, Examinateurs: E. Boyer, A. Hilton, C. Heinrich, H. Seo, Invites: F. Cordier, Université de Strasbourg, Thèse de doctorat, 9 avril 2015 Research team : IGG

 author = {Mykhalchuk, V.},
 title = {Feature-based matching of animated meshes},
 school = {Universit\'e de Strasbourg},
 month = {Apr},
 year = {2015},
 x-language = {EN},
 url = {http://publis.icube.unistra.fr/8-Mykh15}

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