Decomposition of geometrical constraint systems with reparameterization

P. Mathis , P. Schreck , R. Imbach

ACM 27th Symposium On Applied Computing - SAC , page 102--108 - 2012

International conference with proceedings Decomposition of geometrical constraint systems with reparameterization, ACM 27th Symposium On Applied Computing - SAC, Trento, Italy, pages 102--108, Sascha Ossowski and Paola Lecca (Eds.), ACM, mars 2012. Core Rank B, doi:10.1145/2245276.2245298 Research team : IGG

 author = {Mathis, P. and Schreck, P. and Imbach, R.},
 title = {Decomposition of geometrical constraint systems with reparameterization},
 booktitle  = {ACM 27th Symposium On Applied Computing - SAC},
 pages = {102--108},
 month = {Mar},
 year = {2012},
 editor = {Sascha Ossowski and Paola Lecca},
 publisher = {ACM},
 organization = {ACM},
 note = {Core Rank B},
 doi = {10.1145/2245276.2245298},
 x-international-audience = {Yes},
 x-language = {EN},
 url = {}

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