CPH: a compact representation for hierarchical meshes generated by primal refinement

We present CPH (Compact Primal Hierarchy): a compact representation of the hierarchical connectivity of surface and volume manifold meshes generated through primal subdivision refinements. CPH is consistently defined in several dimensions and supports multiple kinds of tessellations and refinements, whether regular or adaptive. The basic idea is to store only the finest mesh, encoded in a classical monoresolution structure that is enriched with a minimal set of labels. These labels allow traversal of any intermediate level of the mesh concurrently without having to extract it in an additional structure. Our structure allows attributes to be stored on the cells not only on the finest level, but also on any intermediate level. We study the trade-off between the memory cost of this compact representation and the time complexity of mesh traversals at any resolution level.

L. Untereiner , P. Kraemer , D. Cazier , D. Bechmann

Computer Graphics Forum , Volume 34 , Number 8 , page 155-166 - 2015
Additionnal material

International journal CPH: a compact representation for hierarchical meshes generated by primal refinement, Computer Graphics Forum, Wiley-Blackwell ( IF : 2.363, SNIP : 1.29, SJR : 1.668 ), pages 155-166, Volume 34, n° 8, novembre 2015. 5-Year Impact Factor : 1,920, doi:10.1111/cgf.12667 Research team : IGG
Platform : GAIA

 author = {Untereiner, L. and Kraemer, P. and Cazier, D. and Bechmann, D.},
 title = {CPH: a compact representation for hierarchical meshes generated by primal refinement},
 journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
 number = {8},
 volume = {34},
 pages = {155-166},
 month = {Nov},
 year = {2015},
 note = {5-Year Impact Factor : 1,920},
 doi = {10.1111/cgf.12667},
 x-international-audience = {Yes},
 x-language = {EN},
 url = {http://publis.icube.unistra.fr/2-UKCB15}