Leading a continuation method by geometry for solving geometric constraints

R. Imbach , P. Schreck , P. Mathis

Computer-Aided Design , Volume 46 , page 138--147 - 2014

International journal Leading a continuation method by geometry for solving geometric constraints, Computer-Aided Design, Elsevier ( IF : 3.652, SNIP : 1.536, SJR : 0.947 ), pages 138--147, Volume 46, janvier 2014 Research team : IGG

 author = {Imbach, R. and Schreck, P. and Mathis, P.},
 title = {Leading a continuation method by geometry for solving geometric constraints},
 journal = {Computer-Aided Design},
 volume = {46},
 pages = {138--147},
 month = {Jan},
 year = {2014},
 x-international-audience = {Yes},
 x-language = {EN},
 url = {http://publis.icube.unistra.fr/2-ISM14}

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